I think of the judges nominated by Bush and I think....
That the one thing that is not served by their service is justice; or if it is, then it is more likely by accident.
I think of the environmental laws repealed and I think....
That my beautiful son will of necessity have to labor hard on land we must securely obtain now to know things of nature's beauty.
I think of the vet's rights being screwed and I think...
That the opposition party will have a hard time holding on to those votes, especially if our candidate hammers home this point.
I think of the privacy laws being erased and I think.....
That I will move my family to another country for a better life, as my father did before me.
I think of the procedure of law and I think....
That even though I am by my nature against authoritarianism of any kind, that the rule of law is better than the rule of might. If only we had better people making our laws.
I think of the alliances we once had and and I think...
That this imbecile's crew can only screw the US for so long before some other nation takes it into their head to initiate regime change here.