March 6, 2004
Contact: Matt Harris: (o) (216) 889-2004, (c) (216) 403-3980,
The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor has just released "devastating" new job figures for February showing no net job gain in the last month, Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said today.
"The Bush administration is touting an economic recovery," said the Ohio Congressman, "so where are the jobs? More than eight million Americans are officially out of work, nearly 400,000 more people gave up looking for work last month and millions more are underemployed."
"If that's a recovery," Kucinich added, "I would hate to see what an economic slump looks like."
Kucinich has been the leading Democratic candidate calling for a complete overhaul of U.S. economic and trade policies. While other Democrats have been critical of the Bush record, Kucinich says the problems run deeper than the failed policies of the Bush Administration.
"The President can be held responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of American manufacturing jobs in the last four years," Kucinich noted, "but NAFTA has been putting Americans out of work since 1994."
The North American Free Trade Agreement has cost American workers more than three million jobs nationwide since 1994 in the manufacturing sector alone, said Kucinich, "But Senator Kerry has clearly and repeatedly stated his intention to continue NAFTA and continue U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization. Democrats need to be honest with American workers about what so-called free trade is doing to our economy."
"I pledge to repeal NAFTA; Kerry will continue it. NAFTA was designed for the sole purpose of allowing corporations to go after cheap foreign labor at the expense of jobs at home. It is harming American workers."
As President, Kucinich would protect American jobs by immediately canceling NAFTA and withdrawing from the WTO. The Kucinich plan would also implement a WPA-style public works and infrastructure rebuilding program.
"My jobs-creation plan will put two million Americans back to work at a living wage in such enterprises as rebuilding schools, roads and bridges, upgrading our environmental infrastructure, manufacturing steel, and developing and implementing new technologies," said Kucinich. "We can put Americans back to work rebuilding America, create millions of jobs, and simultaneously improve our quality of life."
For information about the National campaign:
http://www.kucinich.usFor Congressman Kucinich's Schedule: schedule an interview with Kucinich or a spokesperson:
linkSorry if this was posted already. I did a search but didn't find it.