I have read numerous posts here and have seen some articles which naively theorize that Nader might draw votes away from the GOP. A poll in today's Washington Post satisfactorily torpedoes that theory, IMO.
In a presidential race this close, a Nader candidacy is the GOP's *dream* -- half of GOP voters support his candidacy, per this poll.
Sorry, Ralph -- you were once a hero, but now your ego has morphed you into a stooge for the GOP.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41184-2004Mar8.htmlviewing requires registration
Washington Post, Tuesday, March 9, 2004; Page A01
Support for Bush Falls On Economy and Iraq
President Bush, the target of months of criticism during the Democratic primary season, has seen public support fall to the lowest level of his presidency for his performance on the economy and the situation in Iraq, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll has found.
A majority of Americans -- 57 percent -- say they want their next president to steer the country away from the course set by Bush, according to the survey. Bush's standing hit new lows in crucial areas such as the economy (39 percent support him), Iraq (46 percent) and the budget deficit (30 percent).
As a result of these doubts, Bush narrowly trails likely Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry by 4 percentage points, 48 to 44 percent, among registered voters in a hypothetical presidential matchup. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader, an independent, claims 3 percent....
In a bit of good news for Bush, Nader is drawing essentially all of his support from Kerry, who leads Bush by 9 percentage points in a two-way matchup with the president -- an indication Nader could play the spoiler for Democrats in 2004 as he did four years ago. Underscoring that potential, nearly two-thirds of Democrats opposed Nader's decision to run, while nearly half of all Republicans supported his move. <snip>