Found this at Ruy Teixeira's blog
Donkey Rising. This is a great source to go to for analysis of polling trends, etc. I thought I should post this here, since occasionally I've seen sentiments expressed at DU implying that some people thought young people were rather conservative these days.
But based on these polling results, that appears to be far from the case, overall.
March 8, 2004
More on Young Voters' Democratic Leanings
I had a brief note in DR on March 2nd about the latest Newsweek "GENext" poll that showed young voters leaning toward the Democrats. The full results of that poll have now been released, so a more complete account of these pro-Democratic leanings--and strong leanings they are--is given below.
In the poll, Bush's approval rating among young voters is just 46 percent, down 8 points from a month ago. His appproval ratings on the economy and “domestic issues like health care, education, the environment and energy” are even worse: 40 pecent approval/56 percent disapproval and 39 percent approval/58 percent disapproval, respectively.
Young voters are also strongly convinced the country is off on the wrong track (58 percent), rather than going in the right direction (40 percent).
And the number saying they will definitely vote against Bush is up to 47 percent, a 13 points rise from last month. That compares to a mere 28 percent of young voters who say they would definitely vote to re-elect him. Moreover, in a direct Kerry-Bush matchup, young voters choose Kerry over Bush by an impressive 15 point margin (56 percent to 41 percent).
The strong pro-Democratic tilt among young people extends to the question of which party they want to see gain control of Congress: by a 13 point margin (50 percent to 37 percent), they prefer the Democrats.