Dickie remains the least appreciated (or most underestimated) fundraiser among DUers. He's smashed his record better than any other candidate pushing for a big 4th Quarter pay off. He's a cool quarter mil past his goal and still going. He's the hare in this race. Tortoise, my ass.
. . . . (and no, that tortoise is not as ugly as an ass)Wesley's just flew thru the finish line, too, with $80,000 and 23 hours to spare. Whatever comes in now is gravy.
These here below are Dennis's light bulbs. The one and a half unlit lights are the $150,000 he's wanting to raise before the year's end.
Howard's closing in on his target, but he's making it a close one. 23 hours left and $170K to go. As Joey Ramone used to say, "Beat on the brat, beat on the brat, beat on the bat
with a baseball bat!
(*sniff* I miss you Joey) Oh, and speaking of Joes. Uh, oh. Oh Joe, Joe, Joe... What's wrong there, little buddy? Work a little harder and I'm sure you'll fill 'er up for that additional $140,000 by midnight Wednesday.
And of course Carol, Al, and people named John continue not to publicize their earnings or lack there of.
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