of course Al-Queda wants Crusader-boy in office for four more years, they can count on him to react exactly as they want him to and totally screw up the "war on terra". I wish some of the Dems would pick up on this too and start making some stark contrasts between the the two halves of the campaign against Al-Queda, before the neocons began shrieking for war against Iraq (Multinational and multilateral and rather successful) and the era after (Unilateralist, except for the "coalition of the coerced", which has been somewhat less successful) and point up how we now receive less cooperation than before, and how that makes us much less safe. I mean, the Iranians cancelled "death to America day" and sent us condolences after September 11th. The Syrians arrested and gave us an important Al-Queda operative. Heard anything like that lately? Kerry has made a few general statements about his approach to fighting terror but his campaign needs to focus more directly on this (this is after all the linchpin of shrubbie's campaign) and come up with some specific ways in which his approach will differ from shrubbies and how it would make us safer than the approach the regime has taken.