Edited on Sat Mar-13-04 02:45 PM by WiseMen
Did John Kerry open a dissertation topic with his hypothesis about the “crooked lying group.” What is the membership this crooked lying group? Is this really the most crooked lying group ever?
Maybe not. But, I think it is a least a good enough topic for a national teach-in.
The teach-in is a great grass-roots organizational tool. While targeted at the already committed is serves the critical role of testing and buttressing opinion with facts and analysis.
The teach-in format can often leverage local resources in the form of university professors, local journalists as well as local political action communities.
Teach-ins are more of a longer-range campaign strategy, which impacts the electorate through a multi-stage information diffusion process. Now is the time to start a program of teach-ins which would serve, at minimum, to prepare campaign volunteers for canvassing the swing States during the summer.
So how about it. A national teach-in on “The crooked lying group.”
Could this be funded by 527 money?
Should this be keep totally seperate from Kerry campaign to protect independent funding?
Which organization should be involved?
Here are some books we can begin with as sources:
American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush by Kevin Phillips
The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century by Paul Krugman
The Book on Bush: How George W.leads America By Eric Alterman, Mark Green
The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill Author(s): Suskind, Ron
Bushwhacked : Life in George W. Bush's America by: Lou Dubose, Molly Ivins
The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President by: Vincent Bugliosi, Molly Ivins, Gerry Spence
Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth by Joe Conason
The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception by David Corn
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken
The Bubble Of American Supremacy: Correcting The Misuse Of American Power, by George Soros