Members of the local Kerry support group, kerry2004pittsburgh
made a presence for our candidate today at the St Patrick's Day Parade!
The most active campaigner was famous Pomeranian activist Marigold Bunnypants -- many of which you know from her former guerilla actions of pooping on Richard Mellon Scaife's yard -- which she has given up now that she has entered mainstream politics, BTW). She was dressed in her St Patricks Day finery and Kerry for President button, and charmed many in the crowd.
We met a lot of lovely people at the parade, who were delighted that we were there representing the Democratic candidate, and they eagerly wore our button and stickers and told us how they could wait to Novermber to vote * out.
To be part of the levity of the event, I made a few St Patrick's Day oriented stickers for the campaign, that we handed out for a laugh, which Kerry supporters we met thought were very amusing, I share them here. Here is also a photo of activist Marigold posing with a bipedal Kerry supporter. She was also photographed by one of the local newspapers, so we hope to appear in the paper tomorrow.
Happy St Patrick's Day to all!!
There was no visible Bush presence in the crowd. Sadly, however, the Brown Shirts were out -- jerky guys who shouted insults and obscenities at us.