Edited on Sat Mar-13-04 09:41 PM by rockymountaindem
America is the dominant partner in the relationship, no doubt about that. I also agree that the Republicans aren't interested in promoting peace but would rather see the Israelis "win" their war with the terrorists. Democrats prefer the more peaceful route of negotiations between sane negotiators. Israel both gains and loses either way.
Let's face it; if Israel really wanted to unleash on the Palestinians they could drive them all into Jordan and Egypt in a couple of weeks. This would allow Israel to solidify its hold on the territory it gained in 1967 and would pretty much end the issue of Palestinian terrorism. Kick them out, build a big ol' wall and that would be the end of that. Of course, Israel would be completely isolated from the world community after this. However, since the Republicans are willing to prop up Israel by any means necessary, they would replace all Israel's lost busniess with more microloans and cash giveaways. Furthermore Israel's fragile alliances with Egypt and Jordan would probably end, bringing it into conventional conflict with other nation-states. This is the kind of conflict the Repubs. and their cold-war era military are comfortable with, and Israel would again win hands-down over both countries. The gains and losses for Israel in this situation are clear, and this is the plan the Repubs favor.
Israel also gains and loses under the Democratic two-state solution. It would supposedly gain peace because the terror would theoretically stop once the Israelis get out of the WB and Gaza. Even if Hamas continued its attacks as promised, Israel would be in much better position to defend against them. Basically, conflict would stop. There would be losses for Israel as well, not only in terms of land but also in lost water reserves. Israel would also have increased problems with the so-called "demographic timebomb". It's another trade-off.
There are pros and cons to both scenarios. The cons in both are pretty daunting for Israel. Therefore, the issue of support for Israel doesn't factor into my support for a party or candidate. Both sides want what's best for Israel, but I don't think that either plan is better than the other. Unless someone came out and said "it's time to abolish Israel or undermine it's Jewish character", I don't care.
On edit: welcome to DU estherC!