Kerry, as with any er..human being will make mistakes in the next several months...He will misspeak, he will occasionally confuse a position or two, and he may speak off the cuff when he shouldn't have...
We have a corrupt bunch of Media Ho's out there who have become lazy with their journalistic ethics. Instead of reporting the news, they intentionally hype the news to make a name for themselves. AND because they are so lazy they simply take sound bites from each other and use them in their own sloppily written pieces... Where do they get these sound bites,,, From the GOP and Karl Rove! don't believe me, then head over to a guy who has the proof, Bob Somerby at the Howler!
The Media is a big danger in this campaign and we have to be vigilant because of this...They will make a Kerry mistake a mountain out of a mole hill and make Dubyas mountain a mole hill,,,,Just watch...
Like I said...Kerry will make mistakes...BUT it's up to us with the help of the powerful internet to make sure that EVERYONE knows that Bush makes Kerry pale in comparison...