I'm a Dean Meetup host/co-ordinator in Ohio (that Real Important State, remember?)with a database of over 170. We are ready and willing to work for Kerry but wonder what kind of support/leadership we will be getting.
One of our steering committee members went to a Kerry Meetup and met some very nice folks who were really eager to work with the Dean group but there was no leader of their group and no apparent co-ordination with Kerry HQ, in terms of communication, agenda, support, and materials. (Which is kinda what we are used to from the Dean campaign.) He said it was one of those sit-around-and-bullshit-meetings. Very nice, but no one left feeling they'd accomplished much.
Another member of our steering committee contacted the State Dems to see what we could do. He was referred to the Ohio For Kerry phone number. He left a message over a week ago and still has not heard back.
Kerry was in Akron last weekend and I could not attend but members of our group did. There was a HUGE crowd but no significant organizational presence. That is, all the people there were not directed to a place/organization where they could volunteer and there was no sign-in sheet that would capture names/emails/addresses. So, huge crowd - no way to follow up. Sorry, but this kinda stuff is PR 101.
The local Dem Party structure is er. . um. .. uh... not effective. The only entity that's worse is the STATE party organization, which is (to put it charitably) pitiful.
We're in an area (NEOhio) that is highly Dem and absolutely crucial to taking the state.
We've got the numbers, we've got the energy, we've got the willingness. What we DON'T have is leadership or communication or an agenda from Kerry HQ or the "official" Dem party. And without the latter, I'm real afraid we'll lose the former.
If any of you folks who've been with the Kerry campaign all along have any wisdom (particularly if you are from Ohio) I'd love to hear from you.
eileen from OH