Edited on Fri Dec-19-03 04:33 AM by OrAnarch
I thank the Clark supporters thus far in this thread who have mentioned the "military thing" becoming cumbersome and have been honest. To be totally honest myself, this one issue has unfortunately closed my mind and ears to listening to his domestic policy. I feel horrible about this, but when the first half of every stump speech of Clark's consists of this, I shut off the TV. Kerry touches upon his service, but not nearly to the same extent.
In both cases, unfortunately, this service has eliminated the possibility that I would vote for them in any situation, even if they were VPs. It isn't the fact that they decided to serve their country and defend their nation, it is rather the fact that they were coerced to attack on foreign soil in what I consider an unjust war (and now they flaunt and campaign on such embarrassing action). I could only forgive such if they apologized for their own involvement in such a farce, an action that I would not see Clark likely doing (it is his campaign's centerpiece). No matter what standard you hold military men to, you must admit that their contributions in times of unjust war make it easier for people like Bush to kill foreigners in such invasions. Bottom line, if you had soldiers who were responsible and thought before acting unjustly in foreign invasions, there wouldn't be any soldiers to have these wars with (hence no war). And if they didn't realize that then, which can be permissable, being of the liberal mind, I would require them (before supporting them) to realize such now and bare their responsibility for their personal actions.
I do not mean this to become a flame war. I come from a family of military men, other than my father (who stood for what he believed in and seeked a defirment). I respect any such man who decides to defend his nation, and acts in service. But I cannot respect those who do not do their job as they signed up (defense), and participate in these endevours for corporate America (unjust offense). My respect would go to those, who in such times, will put down their guns and go home.
For Kerry supporters, I know he participated in protests, but to what nature I am unsure. I am also unsure if he is apologetic for his own contributions. And his IWR vote makes it that much harder. Frankly for Clark supports, to me, he has dedicated his life (even after Vietnam) to greasing the gears the military machine rolls on. His early experiences should have taught him what direction such a machine rolls, so IMHO, either he couldn't figure it out the first time around, or did so and was not bothered by the reality of War. I think either way we could do better...
In the meantime, Im going to sit back and check out the other candidates. Hopefully during that time, no one insistantly tells me what hero I need because of their right wing appeal, or what leader I need because of their service. I know what I need and what works for me, which may relatively not work for anyone else. It doesn't make one person bad and another good, but makes us all simply unique. So in the meantime, please remember, it is you that needs the hero (and forgive me if I assume that is something indictative of your nature).
Remember, it doesn't take a gun, a pair of boots, and a trip to some remote jungle to become a hero. Some look afar to find men of valor, forgetting they may also have been some right here at home, trying to preserve what liberalism we have left in our nation.