of a soldier killed in Iraq got a big
two and a half minutes of condolence from the Psychopath In Chief and his spouse.
Bush, wearing a green Army jacket, received an enthusiastic welcome from the troops, who stood on the post's muddy parade grounds under bright sunshine and chanted "U.S.A.!" Before Bush appeared, small U.S. flags were handed out, and an officer gave instructions to the troops on how to receive the commander in chief. "We're going to show him a lot of love by waving flags," the officer said. Telling the troops not to salute, he added: "You're going to wave and clap and make a lot of noise. . . . You must smile. We are happy campers here."
After his speech, the president and Laura Bush lunched with a much smaller group of soldiers. On the menu was steak, lobster tails, prime rib and rainbow trout. The president took a heaping tray of fried shrimp, corn, potato with cheese and even some broccoli -- not a favorite Bush family vegetable. When asked about the Polish president's remarks, Bush brushed off the question by shaking his head and saying, "I'm here to eat dinner."
After lunch, Bush and the first lady spent nearly two hours meeting one-on-one with widows, parents and children of the 46 fallen soldiers. According to the White House, Bush had his photo taken with all the kin and told one widow who was weeping, "My heart aches for you."http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6089-2004Mar18.html