RACICOT: Well, it's actually -- that's an underestimation of how much we're talking about.
Senator Kerry's been all over the country promising a lot of spending, about 73 different programs. And we have independent evidence that calculates the cost for 23 of those programs. And it amounts to about $1.7 billion -- or trillion dollars -- excuse me. And he's proposed about $700 trillion -- or $700 billion in increases in revenue. So that leaves you a trillion unaccounted for. It's a huge amount of money and a substantial underestimation really of how much it's going to cost.
RACICOT: Well, it's patent nonsense. The record is overpowering supporting the notion that upon first entry into office, after receiving briefings from the previous administration, which I might add is the administration that was in charge when these cells first started infiltrating this country, the president focused immediately and with a sense of great urgency upon al Qaeda and the Taliban.
And there's evidence throughout thereafter that he pursued that very, very diligently, as did the entire administration. So Mr. Clarke's representations go beyond patent nonsense. In my judgment, they're almost malevolent in their design.
RACICOT: Very comfortable, because you determine what it is that somebody's going to do in the future, Lou, by what they've done in the past.
This senator who is running as the Democratic nominee voted with very aggressive language associated with his vote to use force in Iraq and then, within months thereafter, after putting his finger in the wind, decided that he wasn't going to approve the appropriations for our troops in Iraq that supplied them everything from body armor to hazard pay.
So the fact of the matter is how you reacted in the past determines what you're going to do in the future. The American people have a right to know what John Kerry did.
RACICOT: Well, I think the president has set about to reach as broadly as he possibly can. We had more nations involved in the coalition that went into Iraq and that have been associated with the reconstruction activities than we did in 1991. So the fact of the matter is, there are more nations, more democracies, associated with this than ever before. The president has reached out all along. He's also displayed leadership, however, and thank God for Prime Minister Blair because he has displayed the same kind of leadership. This is no time for us to cower and shrink back into the position we were before which is we were worried about being fearful all the time, wondering what might happen, hoping something wouldn't happen.
This president said from the beginning, we're going to address this issue of terrorism and I think the American people wholeheartedly endorse that concept.
RACICOT: Well, the fact is the president has addressed the economy virtually every single day and has a six-point plan to do that very aggressively. The flip side is, of course, that you have Senator Kerry, who wants to instantly raise taxes, he won't fight against frivolous lawsuits. He hasn't proposed a plan that makes health care more affordable to the American people. On and on and on with regulation cap-based standards that would put 100,000 people out of work in the automotive industry almost overnight.
So the fact is, this president has this economy pointed in the right direction. You mentioned, Lou, that in your earlier report, one of the reasons that incomes are being impacted is because of energy. This president put forward an energy bill that a good senator from Massachusetts didn't even show up to vote on. And the fact is we do need an energy program but the Americans I think, know that every economic indicator is pointed in the right direction. Almost 400,000 jobs created over the last six months. Largest growth we've ever had in the last half of last year, in 20 years. We have low unemployment below the rates of the 70s and 80s and 90s so the fact is that we're pointed in the right direction. Senator Kerry would bring that process to a complete, screeching halt.
RACICOT: There's no doubt about it. Absolutely no doubt about that. Lou, from the very beginning, the president's talked about the deficit and has a plan in place to reduce it over the course of the next five years by half. But when you have to choose between protecting your friends and neighbors and the people you work for and you have to choose whether or not you're going to make certain the jobs are created, you have to proceed rapidly and you know every business on occasion has to take out a loan or has to do something to address urgent circumstances, that's what the president did and now, the deficit is in the crosshairs of his focus and he has a plan on the table. The flipside is Senator Kerry talks about nothing but increased spending.
http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0403/22/ldt.00.htmlImho, big media personalities do not tend to treat Democratic folks with the same respect they give Republican folks. I do not like this. That noted, I still like Dobbs. He is talking about very important issues regarding our country. And, it is my understanding that, he is on the side of the average American in a majority of his positions.