It takes real gal to paint Richard Clarke as a partisan because he associates with Rand Beers. Beers was Bush’s Senior Director for Combating Terrorism who became so horrified by the administration’s handling of terror that he quit to work for Kerry’s campaign. Like Clarke, he worked for four administrations, most of them Republican, but it wasn’t until Bush came along that they found it necessary to jump ship. When insiders publicly support their former boss’s opposition, voters should not just be concerned, they should be terrified. Here’s a copy of Beers’s biography: Beers, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, is a retired senior civil servant with 35 years of service. He began as a Marine officer and rifle company commander in Vietnam (1964-1968). He entered the Foreign Service in 1971 and transferred to the Civil Service in 1983. During most of his career he served in the State Department's Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, including as Office Director and Deputy Assistant Secretary for regional affairs focusing on the Middle East and Persian Gulf. He was Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (1998-2002). He also served in four positions on the NSC Staff at the White House during four Administrations. His functions included Director for Counter-terrorism and Counter-narcotics, Director for Peacekeeping, and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs (1988-98). His final government position was as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Combating Terrorism on the NSC Staff (2002-2003). He resigned in March 2003 and retired in April. He began work on John Kerry's Presidential campaign in May 2003 as National Security/Homeland Security Issue Coordinator.