From the Desk of Hillary ClintonI appreciate having this opportunity to talk with you about something that's important to both of us -- the 2004 presidential election. You and I share a strong desire to put John Kerry in the White House, and we're not alone:
Did you know that in the past five days, nearly 75,000 people from all across the country have donated almost $7 million to help John Kerry get his message out?
I am writing today to ask you for your help, too.
By contributing to this great cause, you can make sure that John Kerry's message of hope, promise, and opportunity isn't drowned out in a sea of Republican attacks.
We've already seen how mean-spirited a race the Republicans plan to run this year. George W. Bush has even gone negative in his television ads. Should they be allowed to get away with this kind of campaigning?
No! John Kerry is going to fight back every step of the way, and we need to be there to help him. Because we know that, in an open contest of ideas, John Kerry's leadership and vision for America will win out against George W. Bush's narrow agenda.
I have known John a long time, and it has been a pleasure to work with him in the Senate for more than three years. I've seen firsthand the power of his intellect, the breadth of his experience, and the depth of his commitment to Democratic values. This campaign is not just about sending George W. Bush back to Texas. It is about restoring hope, opportunity, and prosperity to our nation by electing John Kerry president.
I am delighted to be a part of this dramatic display of our Party's unity and sense of purpose. Our spirits are high and our determination to win is the strongest I have ever seen. I urge you to help make history by helping make John Kerry's ten day fundraising drive a big success. Will you join us today? Thank you for taking the time to consider this request, and I hope we can count on you to help John Kerry get his message out, and get America moving in the right direction again.
With best regards,
Hillary Rodham Clinton