The important thing is to reframe the language. We need to learn the lessons of past victories. We seem very good as liberals and Dems in figuring out what we did wrong but never seem to capitalize on what we do right.
Raise money like Dean -- small contributors rule and free the party from the corporate money noose.
Use the new media like Dean -- Make a central part of everything a campaign does for organization and grassroots.
Organize on the grassroots level like Wellstone -- Grassroots campaigning is the way to build the base up without whoring the party out.
Talk like Clinton -- He spoke to people in a way that they not only could understand but could not ignore.
1. Anyone getting paid for work hates the idea of someone else getting a check for doing "nothing". Reframe the debate completely. Dukakis had the right idea about this. Workfare along with business sponsored retraining programs and a bit of childcare support would take care of this. Make the infrastructure stronger, help retrain workers for jobs in their areas, and NOT tick off the common man working for a living. Welfare "reform" is a sham but the debat has to be reframed completely.
2. Americans unfortunately like their guns. Talk about gun safety to bait the extremists Repubs and the NRA into a fight but never, ever, ever, ever talk about gun bans on the national stage. Just because it plays in the city does not mean that is winnable national issue.
3. Take a pro-capitalism but anti corporate corruption/anti corporate welfare stance. Talk about the corrupt execs. Talk about working with businesses and environmental groups on green issues. Talk about the lack of competition in terms of media consolidation. Back the real bastards into a corner. If the businesses work with the EPA for a change, praise them. If they don't, you have all the ammo to call them out. We live in a capitalist society and the vast majority of the working class like it this way. They dream of making it big no matter no small that chance is. Talk about giving everyone the chance to make it in America.
4. Paint the school voucher program as being bad for both public and private schools because it is. Anytime a private institution remains on the tit of public funding it is open to regulation eventually. For the public schools, it is bad because they do not get the money that instead goes to private institutions that the government by the people for the people have no control over.
5. Healthcare reform has to be painted with the brush of giving small businesses the opportunity of providing healthcare to its employess while reducing overall healthcare costs which is a benefits to all businesses small and big. Any system that places a major burden on small businesses or does NOT decrease overall healthcare costs will go down in screaming flames in a capitalist society like we live in. It is sad and wrong and true.
6. Talk about the people's money in terms they can grasp in a soundbite. Talk about fiscal responsibility and paying the bills and not charging our way into oblivion with reckless tax cuts. Talk about how the balanced budget in the '90s help fuel economic growth.
7. Never, ever, ever talk about raising taxes or let a rollback of some nonsense tax break for the rich get painted as raising taxes. We have to be absolutely fanatical about this.
8. Wrap ourselves in the Bill of Rights the way the right wraps themselves in the flag. Let the Constitution and our founding fathers be a mantra to appeal to the patriotic majority fighting for the rights we deserve in a free society.
9. Never, ever, ever, talk about our military ever being anything less than #1. Is it bullshit? Yes, but the wimp tag kills for the common man. Talk about helping military families and improving benefits for the soldiers on the ground while cutting worthless weapons programs off at the knees.
10. Reforge the language of the discussion in patriotic terms and a populist voice while pushing a left of center agenda aimed squarely at the people for the people. Reclaim the language of the debate. It is about making the American dream a fair proposal for all Americans not just the fortunate sons of the few.
How do we win in the South?
Some repeat language but this is from my Slashdot blog.
Listen I have lived in the South my whole life. Dems lose by closer margins in the South than in many other Republican dominated areas.
So, how can a Progressive Dem politico win in the South. Do some research about the governor race in LA and look at Mark Warner and then think about these points.
Listen you admit you are for a woman's right to choose and then shut up. The fundies will not vote for you anyway.
You are for hunters. Half of your PR photos in the South be you with a shotgun in your hand beside a nascar racing car.
Pump up the volume on tax credits for the working poor and closing loopholes for those rich folks who don't want to pay their taxes.
You talk about conserving nature for future generations of kids to enjoy. Talk about keeping the water clean to fish in and places for people to hunt.
Talk about connecting people to jobs. Getting folks off of welfare and into the workforce in a real way, a compassionate way. Dumping folks with no hope just makes no sense.
Talk about targetting education spending to those rural schools that have been left out and unfunded for too long.
Talk about small business initiatives and getting tough with corporations that want to run rough-shod over the small towns.
Talk about helping out family farmers with loans and subsidies to protect them because all the foreign farmers are protected the same way.
Talk about fiscal responsibilty and the need for the government to pay its bills and not borrow and spend its way into debt.
Wrap yourself up in the Bill of Rights and talk about getting government out of their personal lives.
You wrap progressive politics around a populist voice.
If you want examples look up Mike Warner's campaign in VA. He aimed his message at the people and in a Repuke dominated state came up tops.