Our kids continue to die because bush said saddam had WMD
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Thu Mar-25-04 07:41 PM
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Our kids continue to die because bush said saddam had WMD |
and he makes jokes about not being able to find WMD. I guess that's as funny as him deserting his military unit to campaign for a republican in alabama; or as funny as him screwing stockholders of harken in the 90's when he profited from insider trading; or as funny as him currently concealing the identity of the felon on his staff who outed a cia undercover operative. I guess I just don't have a christian conservative moral absolutist sense of humor. Good for me. Fuck you bush and those who protect you.
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Thu Mar-25-04 07:44 PM
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pro-pledge, and a good christian man, too. :eyes:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:05 AM
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