Welcome to "Republicans for Kerry". We are very pleased that you have joined us to support John Kerry for President in 2004.
We’re a group of Republicans that have been supportive of and active in the Republic Party for most of our adult life. We believe in the Republican Party values of fiscal responsibility, individual freedom, environmental protection, energy conservation and honesty; in the Republican values of strong defense for the purpose of protecting this country and world peace.
March 26, 2004 | Victor Fasciani, a 40-year-old asset manager, pays membership dues to the Republican National Committee, the only party he's ever belonged to. He was at the 2000 Republican Convention in Philadelphia, where he was a New York delegate for John McCain. He's no fan of John Kerry, but come November, he says, "I'm probably not voting for Bush, and I'm not voting for Ralph Nader, so that leaves me with a quandary."
It's a quandary afflicting many moderate Republicans, who feel alienated by their party's rightward lurch and economic irresponsibility, and who fear that another four years of Bush will consolidate the power of the party's most hard-line conservative elements. Even as moderate Republicans make gains in liberal states like New York and California, they're feeling squeezed by their own party. Elements of the Republican right have declared jihad on the values party moderates hold dear, and though the White House claims to embrace all Republican factions, for most moderates there's little doubt where its loyalties lie.
Few politicians want to admit the split, but it's getting almost impossible to ignore....McCain and Hagel insist they still support Bush for reelection. The same holds for the Republican Main Street Partnership, a group of GOP moderates that includes Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, Gov. George Pataki of New York, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California; all of them claim to avidly support the president's reelection.
But there's little doubt that behind the scenes, some moderate Republicans are rooting for the other side. If Bush wins, one aide to a moderate Republican says privately, "that would be the worst possible situation."
Moderate Republicans have to be gone after. It's great if they sit out the election, but it's better if they not only not vote for Bush but vote for Kerry. Double the damage.