So now you're a Katherine Harris apologist. Your obvious ignorance on this subject is a perfect example of what I've been talking about on this board these past few weeks.
If the white male leaders of the DNC don't take something seriously, most Dems don't. If the white male leaders of the DNC dismiss something or minimize it, most Dems do too. They do this, I hope, not out of racial animus, but out of a privileged-based presumption that the white male Democratic leadership is wise and knowledgeable, well-informed and well-intentioned, so if they don't take something seriously, we can all just safely ignore it as well. This is exactly how Fox News has convinced so many people that WMD's have been found in Iraq, that Saddam was behind 911, etc.
If you bother to take with a big grain of salt what the corporate-funded leadership of both major parties says and, more important, doesn't say, then you would have read Greg Palast's book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, or at least some of his countless interviews and articles on the Internet concerning the disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of African-American voters from the Florida election rolls.
Instead, you just assume that if Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush scrubbed these African-Americans from the voter rolls, then obviously they were felons.
Anyone paying any serious attention to this story knows that 95% of them were NOT felons, but simply had the same first and/or last name as some felon somewhere. This was NOT just error. It was intentional racist electoral fraud directed in huge disproportion against African-Americans.
In particular, the core of this whole thing is that in the year before the election, Katherine Harris' office, her Department of Elections, purged thousands upon thousands of voters, half of them black, from the voter rolls. She did that on the grounds that they were felons who aren't allowed to vote in the state of Florida. In fact, most of those people were barely guilty of being black and very few of them, very few -- it looks like 5 percent -- may have been felons without the right to vote. That's how your president was elected. may be why so many Dems just assume Kucinich is not electable, Nader is not electable, or that only over-idealistic leftists vote Nader (his main support is Independents, meaning swing voters, and media-savvy youth who INVESTIGATE issues instead of swallowing whole what's fed them).
What you expect to have been done about this by the Democratic Party is unclear to me. The Party is not the government, and has no enforcement capabilities of its own. The simple ban on felons voting is not clearly discriminatory, and while it seems certain enough to me to have no hesitancy in stating it as a fact that there was discriminatory intent in the conduct of that purge of the Florida rolls, proving it in court would be something very different.
Sigh, I guess you're right, there's nothing the Democratic Party can do to fight back for African-Americans against racism or fight back for anyone at all after they are turned away at the polls just because they have the same name as some felon somewhere. I guess those voters and anyone who gives a damn about them will have to look elsewhere for leadership.
As for proving racist intent -- once again you have no clue what you're talking about, and you should. Every self-respecting Dem should understand the ABC's of civil rights. To prove discrimination in court you don't have to prove intent. You can prove differential impact with statistics, and scrubbing tens of thousands of voters, half of them black, when only a few percent of the electorate is black, is an ENORMOUS differential impact. The preponderance of the evidence on this matter is very clear.