Some of the machines, like the eSlate machines my county uses, captures and stores each ballot electronically after it has been verified by the voter. They can be individually counted. The ballots are programmed in at the county level, without any code being introduced from outside, so that writing a code to misregister the ballots is almost impossible, since the ballots are different each time. The votes and the ballots are recorded on hard chips, and are unalterable once recorded. This is much harder to cheat with than paper ballots, and adding paper verified trails to them would only allow more confusion-- what happens if the paper doesn't agree with the electronic chips? Which is accepted as the real vote? Paper is easier to alter than ROM.
To my mind, ordering paper trails just opens up a new avenue for them to cheat (And for the record, I was calling for paper trails before anyone else was talking about them, but I no longer trust them). If someone is to cheat, they will alter the paper, just as they altered the punchcards in Florida. I don't trust it. I don't trust any solution that tries to develop a cheat-proof system. There isn't one.
The best way to investigate is by using exit polling and sampling to determine likely outcomes, then comparing the actual outcomes to those. When there is a discrepancy, as in Florida (where the exit polls agreed with what would have happened if those ballots hadn't been "overvoted" by someone), there should be an independent agency that investigates more thoroughly than the IRS, and the penalties should be the stiffest we have for any crimes. We are doing what the cheats want: we are looking in the wrong place, spending money on the wrong things, and causing confusion which they can exploit next time. Instead of ironing out the wrinkles, they just throw out the old systems and introduce new ones, and exploit the new wrinkles.
The prize is world domination. It is worth any risk to them. If you can think of a way they can cheat, they will have the top minds in the world figure out how to do it, and will have unlimited funds to do it. The only solution is to use unlimited funds to stop it, and treat election fraud as more serious than murder. That might make it harder for them.