I just e-mailed the new liberal radio network and BEGGED them to hire Mike Malloy. Let's all inundate them with e-mails and faxes and phone calls and snail-mail letters asking them to hire Mike Malloy. I miss Malloy SO much! Ohmigod, just think about what we all HAVEN'T been hearing him say these past couple of weeks about Condi and Clarke!
P.S. -- Here's the e-mail I sent them, if y'all are interested:
Am I going to be able to listen to your network? I live in Columbia, Missouri. I subscribe to Sirius satellite radio. I have an ancient computer but I can listen to Internet broadcasts that work with the Real Audio player, but I have not been able to figure out how to get Windows Media Player to work. I can also download MP3's. That's the way I was listening to Mike Malloy three nights a week when he was on the air, by downloading the MP3's from the White Rose Society archives. (The other two nights I was able to listen to Malloy live on Sirius.) There are three programs on your network that I REALLY want to be able to hear, Al Franken's, Janeane Garofalo's and Randi Rhodes' shows. Will I be able to listen to them? Thank you very much.
P.S. -- I just sent e-mails to Sirius and also to XM asking them to carry your programs. I told XM that even though I have Sirius, I will subscribe to their satellite radio service too if that will enable me to get your programs.
P.P.S. -- I'd like to BEG y'all to PLEASE hire Mike Malloy. I miss his show SO much! They don't call him "The Godfather of Liberal Talk Radio" for nothing! I notice your Web site doesn't indicate any scheduled programming yet for the wee hours of the morning and only sketchy indications of what you're going to carry on weekends. Could you hire Malloy and give him a show during those hours? I would miss sleep to listen to Malloy!