Edited on Mon Mar-03-08 12:16 PM by last1standing
Tomorrow is the big day, Texas and Ohio Democrats will come together to vote for their choices for president of the United States. When this happens, there's going to be a lot of people here at DU who will be angry and hurt that their candidate didn't do better. There will be a lot of immature gloaters who feel justified in rubbing the losers' noses in their loss. There will also be a few out there who read all of this and get turned off of the process altogether. I know there's no way my little post is going to stop any of this, but I would like to ask that after tomorrow, when it is very likely that the nominee is known, can each person who reads this perhaps just come down to earth a bit and try to remember how it felt in 2004 when we saw that John Kerry would not be the next president? Or better yet, can we reach way back and recall how it felt to hear Al Gore finally give up his claim to the presidency after fighting so hard? We were all angry and hurt those days. I wandered around in shock after the 2004 election wondering how people could be so stupid.
Well, there's going to be more of that soon because the people behind both Clinton and Obama honestly believe in their candidate. Each has a reason, or several, for their support and when they are told that the majority of the party doesn't agree with them they're going to be hurt. Can each of us please try to remember this and show the real compassion and understanding to our primary adversaries that Democrats are supposed to have?