On the charge that Kerry has "voted for higher taxes" more than 350 times during his 19-year Senate career, a political fact-checking group contends that the Bush-Cheney campaign's list is "padded" with votes to leave taxes unchanged and even to reduce them.
According to the Annenberg Political Fact Check, a project of the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center, "Kerry has cast votes to increase taxes, and he's clearly on record favoring raising taxes on persons making over $200,000 a year." However, "It's simply untrue that Kerry voted for tax increases 350 times," said the group, which bills itself as nonpartisan.
The Bush list, the fact-checking group says on its Web site, "is padded with scores of votes Kerry cast against tax decreases (which would leave taxes unchanged, not higher), votes to reduce the size of proposed tax cuts (which would leave taxes lower, though not as much lower as proposed), and 'votes for watered-down, Democrat 'tax cut' substitutes' (which often proposed to distribute the benefits of tax cuts farther down the income scale than Republican proposals). Thus the Bush campaign counts some votes for tax cuts as votes for 'higher taxes.' "