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Chicago Tribune's Krauthammer lies about Clarke

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 08:44 AM
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Chicago Tribune's Krauthammer lies about Clarke
Chutzpah award goes to Clarke, Charles
Krauthammer:March 29, 2004,1,2648975.story?c

*write to


Sept. 11, Lies and 'Mistakes', Washington Post - Mar
26, 2004

*write to

Seems our GOP friend writes columns where he forgets that the GOP Congress held Clinton's hand back every step of the way in the War on bin Laden - remember "Wag the Dog", as he forgets that Clarke is a GOP !!!!! partisan - IF HE IS PARTISAN ...appointed by Reagan and Bush I while Clinton was still in Arkansas. He should contrast Clinton's and Reno's successful millennium efforts to Bush and Aschroft and his concern for covering boobs on statues at Justice, and removing equal rights for gays in the Dept. of Justice.

Perhaps someone should write the Trib and Post and note that Krauthammer lies because he ignores Kerry's experience - and the fact that we Dems take responsibility for what needs to be done and DO IT, do it the right way with comprehensive tactics: diplomatic,
economic, intel, military using international cooperation since two is better than one for this task.

Krauthammer ignores Kerry's focus on helping our nation's first responders (Kerry is endorsed by the firefighters) and actually
protecting our seaports instead of just talking about
it - indeed Kerry seems to have a plan rather than the talk, without funding that is one trademark of Bush, along with with his claim that his "almost success in stopping 9/11 and in stopping Al Quida" makes him a great war time president.
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ronatchig Donating Member (350 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 08:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. Kraulthammer is
the worst of a bad lot of Fascist appoligists imho. Why anyone would read this asshole is beyond me. His bile is fit only for consumption by the Neos. But luckily he renforces the lies they tell themselves.
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Dogmudgeon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 08:57 AM
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2. I read it in the Philadelphia Inquirer
First, the article isn't really about Clarke, nor is it about Kerry. A full half of the article is about President Clinton, and recycles 1998 vintage "talking points". And, of course, Krauthammer also tries to make Clinton look like an indecisive coward. Once you catch on to the illogic of the argument, the article becomes transparent.

It's Clarke's fault. No, it's Clinton's fault. No, wait a minute, it's Kerry's fault, even though he is out of that loop. Hold the phone, it really is Clinton's fault. And Clarke's. And George McGovern's. And Hanoi Jane's. And the French's. And ETA's. And the aliens'. And the Illuminati's. And your Mom's.

It's the same old same-old, the Republican Whine-and-Cheese party, where Personal Responsibility is spoken of in sepulchral tones but never ever applied to Republicans, least of all to our God-annointed Maximum Leader, George Bush.

And by the way, can't we impeach Clinton again? Please? It's just not fair!

I hope Krauthammer is getting something other than a paycheck out of being a mouthpiece for Team Bush, because the humiliation of having a third-rate wheeler-dealer stick his hand up your ass and move your mouth must be overwhelming. But then again, some people like that kind of thing.

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