How in the world..
(426 posts)
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Tue Mar-30-04 10:52 AM
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did Bush's numbers go up while Kerry's dropped after the Clarke revelations. Is the CNN/Gallop poll that skewed, or what?
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Tue Mar-30-04 10:56 AM
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1. There's a disconnect here |
Clarke does not equal Kerry.
Dubya's numbers are going up because of the huge campaign warchest and the ability of the repubs to get their message out.
Clarke is "stand-alone" regarding 9-11 and I think the farther Kerry stays away from the fray, the better off he is.
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Tue Mar-30-04 10:57 AM
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2. some of it is just randomness |
remember the margin of error. usually changes of less than 3% from day-to-day are statistically meaningless.
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Tue Mar-30-04 10:58 AM
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3. It might just be that Kerry's numbers were somewhat inflated due to all |
the news about his string of primary victories. He got an unusual amount of attention, then - perhaps now, it's just starting to wear off.
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Tue Mar-30-04 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. That's a possbile factor. |
Also Bush released some negative ads and if you look at Kerry's Unfavorable numbers they jumped the most.
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Tue Mar-30-04 11:00 AM
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4. All I see are bush anti-kerry commercials on CNN and CNBC |
I do not see any Kerry ads on CNN or CNBC. This morning Bill Schneider was doing infomercials for bush on Kerry increasing the gas tax to 50 cents
If the Kerry camp does not respond to these attacks immediately we will lose!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:05 AM
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