Look at this cute kid
Renew Deal
(1000+ posts)
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:12 AM
Original message |
Edited on Thu Jan-01-04 10:20 AM by Bleachers7
 Clark is a grandad.
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:15 AM
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1. Now that is down and dirty and |
Edited on Thu Jan-01-04 10:25 AM by OKNancy
really crappy.....
You manage to turn a pleasant Clark moment into a bash on a teenage kid.
Stop doing shit like that...okay?
------- Okay: the above was posted before Bleachers changed the text.
Renew Deal
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:17 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
Edited on Thu Jan-01-04 10:23 AM by Bleachers7
It's a real differentiator between the two. You can trust that this kid won't be attracting the attention of the secret service.
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Thu Jan-01-04 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
6. Because he's in diapers? Sleazy. |
Does your candidate endorse such tactics?
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:18 AM
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Leave the candidates' families out of this fight unless it's positive.
Renew Deal
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:21 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
I am all for spreading good cheer. Hopefully you will like the change.
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Thu Jan-01-04 10:21 AM
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5. From the bottom of my heart |
Thank you for changing your message.
Happy New Year, everybody, let's recapture the White House in 2004.
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Thu Jan-01-04 12:06 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:04 AM
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