In Dallas, on November 22, 1963.
I, too, want to know the truth, DU Friend.
Didn't Michael Beschloss or someone report during all the TV-disinformation recently that Barbara Bush actually took Duhbya to see "the parade" that horrible day? I'd swear I heard that on the radio or read it posted on DU. No matter. Without opening of ALL the files, I can only guess. so here's what I think things look like:
Poppy can't remember what he was doing that day. My best guess is he was on the scene in Dealey Plaza, along with the rest of the BFEE* killing committee. It seems he talked to J Edgar Hoover about what he knew.
Either Poppy or another "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" was de-briefed by J Edgar Hoover in the hours after President Kennedy's murder? Did you know this "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" gave Hoover the names of "Cuban Americans" Bush thought might be involved in the President's murder? Why would a Big Oil guy hang out with Cuban Americans for? Is there oil in Cuba?
Did you know George Herbert Walker Bush's friend George de Mohrenschildt is the only man known to have been friends with both Bush and Lee Harvey Oswald? not, you're not alone. Once our friends in the Press start to pick up on it, America will fast become a very different place. A place of Laws again. Thank Goodness. The Bush Organized Crime Family is going to need it once the 9-11 stuff gets REALLY investigated.
* BFEE: Bush Family Evil Empire, the amalgam of the CIA Secret Team, Big Oil, the Mafia, the Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, Dope Inc, NAZIs, and Sociopathic Satanists. Sometimes, I prefer to keep things simple: Bush Organized Crime Family.
The only thing they fear more than the general public discovering the BFEE family connection to the JFK Assassination is their link to 9-11. May we all live to see the treason exposed the traitors imprisoned.