One tends to forget some of the values of the Bull-Moose party of Teddy Roosevelt. He was very progressive, and was more interested in people, not corporations.
Certainly there are a large number of people who've abandoned Democrats because they've teamed up with Republicans so much, and offer differences in a very limited area of mostly social issues. These people, who now vote Republican, could easily vote for Nader.
I heard Nader a couple of days ago, and a bit on Crossfire. Of course Crossfire was filled with the usual crap, Begala asking trite questions, election 2000, don't run, taking votes, etc. and Carlson was patronizing toward him, and tried to use his candidacy and Democratic reaction as a club, on democrats. But when he was speaking in North Carolina, his platform was as usual, pure as the driven snow. He couldn't be more right-on about what ails the country, he takes one firm position. He takes real people's positions, and decries corporate power as the thing that is destroying our country, our world.
If you don't see the benefit of at least one candidate speaking the truth, rather than the lying, obfuscating, similar republicrat duopolistic line, then you are truly far too partisan.
Democrats need to realize that their error was in voting for Kerry thinking he was more electable than Dean, and discounting this threat from the left looming if Dean didn't get the nomination. It was no coincidence that Nader entered the race a week or so after Dean officially stopped his campaign. Dean certainly was a good guy within the democratic party, but both the DLC and all media showed that they didn't want this working within the party. The media, and the corporatocracy was truly worried that this would result in sure defeat for Bush, imagine, Dean getting both Democrats, and Greens. They'd blow bush away by five percent. NO, these left-opinions had to be from the outside, therefore splitting the vote. Of course, the democratic voter, dismissing Nader completely fell right into line with the media they tend to follow, and started choosing Kerry.
So, you've gotten what you want. Kerry's in, he's being steadily "Gored" (Deaned) by the very media that was convincing you that Kerry was so electable before. Imagine that, you trusted them after the 2000 election? Were you paying attention? The lesson that you need to take away is, the media is not your friend, is not the friend of the democratic party, and will do its best to get Bush reelected, as Bush is nothing but a corporation, a family dynasty that borders on fascist dictatorship in the White House.
The Democratic Party has a good bit to learn yet, not grasping the main lessons of the 2000 election, and hopefully in the future the voters will learn to totally distrust the BS the media, all of it, peddles. If you don't know you don't think they are trying to manipulate you--and they are very careful to portray themselves as liberal--then you will be swayed. Don't be fooled again. The Democratic Party and voter must regain the "soul" and work for the workers in America, not Mexico, China, East Timor, or Indonesia.