Edited on Wed Mar-31-04 04:20 PM by papau
take advantage of the latest GOP thought - which is in the Bush 2005 budget - for adding to the "BUSH NEW IDEAS" things called Retirement savings accounts (which appear to be renamed IRA's), lifetime savings accounts (IRA's that allow withdrawels for non-retirement reasons), and employer retirement savings accounts (which are just a consolidation of the current 401k, simple 401k, 403b (teachers annuity) and 457 - public or non-profit employee - plans) - a thing called "individual development accounts" -a new account for the poor?
The new account - called IDA's - individual development accounts - would have dollar for dollar matching all the way to $500 per year for filers with annual income below $20,000, joint filers with annual income below $40,000, and head of household below $30,000 - with contributions you make not deductible, and all earnings on the account taxable - except earnings on the match might not be taxable -and with withrawels only allowed for that first home purchase, or your capitalization of that new small business you are starting, or "education".
Are these GOP think tank folks for real?