The reactionary rebellion that is terrorism, spawned by a failure to establish global liberalism in exchange for imperialism, was a movement that started long before the United States was even a preconceived notion in the "founding fathers" heads. But with that said, this country's policies, and lack of some, are directly responsible in part for the latest rise of fundementalism within the last 50 years. In truth, we are not trully morally responsible for relieving the geopolitical position inflicted upon the middle eastern entities, although such a failure to do so will result in a typical counter movement that will, needless to say, create such a negative environment for our own citizens to live within. So sometimes "altrustic" actions, though not obligatory, are within the best intrest of an acting state, as to ensure an environment which is profittable and safe to exist within. Such actions our government failed to partake within because perhaps at the time they were deemed "not profitable". But waging a populist war, within any context, is the least profitable endevour they could have imagined.
Futhermore, beyond the failure to establish a global liberalistic policy with 3rd world nations, there has nevertheless been quite some imperialistic actions taken toward such regions in the name of economic gain, which in turn, shifts more of an opportunity at economic advancement away from such nations. There has been dirty dealings with the oil industry, sponsored coups, sponsored wars, political manipulation, etc. The list is truly endless. The United States has been not only neglecting such a region liberalistically, but also has taken a proactive role in the plight of such nations. We are so apt at propping up our allies and friends, whos resume consists only of being our enemies' enemy. This nation is not innocent nor simply reactionary in regards to the "War on Terror".
With that being said, the only "credible defense and foreign policy background" I want is someone truly committed to stopping terrorism, which cannot be done through militaristic means. That being, we need someone not committed to stopping the symptoms, but to eliminating the disease. By eliminating the environment which spawns terrorism, the populist revolt will be put to an end. But in part, this is because such a movement has succeeded; liberalism, from a global scale, must be put into place before any such progress can be made. We can never solve their geopolitical problems, but we can provide aid and incentive, cooperation and goodwill, and true help so that such nations can independently suceed at giving their citizens a better life how they choose to do it. We can eliminate our own incessive need to undermine their struggle to advance, not by putting aside our capitalistic desires, but by realizing it is far more profitable than waging such a war. Such a true "war on terrorism" requires not military experience or foreign policy experience in general, but a willing and cooperative personality of a manwho wishes to work in a compromising fashion for the most utilitarian solution. We do not need the military, but rather the Peace Corp.
A general, who has spent their life in an organization that stands as a representation now of American might and determination, whos position has been that of following orders and giving them to proliferate the growth of the military complex, who is at ease with such participation, is not going to represent to them, nor I, the person to bring this massive shift in American policy. The only "foreign policy" experience that is required is that of being a like minded person who truly cares for the world, and truly acts in the intrests of not America, but in the intrests of the globe. And by doing so, America can prosper the most, as we are not isolated from the global environment.
And although I agree that I may be "fixed on a point that most voters won't share in November", this is more than about November to me. Change the president a million times over, Democrat or Republican, but that alone will make no difference in the long run with our policies. We must finally reach out and change America, one mind at a time. We must teach people that our policies really do create such a world that is negative for us to live within eventually. To appeal to the current gung-ho patriotism gets us no where, and moves us no where closer to saftey and prosperity. To appeal to the militaristic sentiment doesn't change what America is at heart.
We will now and forever have terrorism, brought on by others and ourselves, until we can become a nation which realized what we do today, or fail to do, is most definately responsible for what we endure tommorrow, globally and domestically. We must teach them that liberalism within any context is the most cost-efficient, "right", and easy way to secure peace, happiness, prosperity for our posterity.
But alas, I guess its easier to just pander to the phrase: "They hate us for our freedom".