I was a member of DU for almost two months before I posted anything, and was a reader/lurker for a year before that; I spent that time period familiarizing myself with the issues, the various forums, etc., and just getting an overall 'feel' for the place. In the past month, I have noticed a disturbing and dramatic increase in the number of 'flame-bait posts' and scurillous, ad hominem attacks on bothour candidates and their supporters/defenders. With that in mind, I would like to submit my own thoughts, as follow...
To those who criticize experienced 'career politicians'--- Sen. Kerry, Sen. Edwards and Congressman Gephart--- for being "Beltway insiders" (if not worse), I would ask you "Why is in-depth knowledge of governmental processes neccessarily a BAD thing?. In the event that we are successful in recapturing the White House and either one or both Houses of Congress, would you prefer that the new President's legislative agenda be shephered by those knowledgable of the process, or those who are ignorant of it? Would you wish his advisors and counselors to be learned and wise in the ways of power, or neophytes?"
To those who criticize General Clark, I ask you, "As one who has by most credible reports served this Republic well throughout his adult life--- dilligently, honorably and wisely, forsaking until late in life far more lucrative pursuits in the private sector--- why must you demonize him?. Is the ONLY 'acceptable' public service performed OUT of the uniform of our armed forces? Has this Republic no legitimate need for armed forces, and do those who have devoted their lives to armed service have nothing of value to contribute to this Republic when they return to civilian life?"
To those who criticize Congressman Kucinich, dismissing him as merely a 'flake', or a 'leftist', I say, "Today's 'flake' may be tomorrow's 'visionary'--- history is replete with examples of this very phenomenon!. Every party needs a moral compass, someone who reminds us of that we should endeavor to be what Lincoln called 'the angels of our better nature'. Regardless of what you think of his 'electability', can you honestly dismiss or marginalize him as 'unneccessary', or is your dismissal of him more venal and self-serving in nature, intended to shut away someone who uncomfortably reminds you of your DUTY to your fellow man, when you would prefer simply to be expedient?"
To those who would dismiss Ambassador Braun because of her all-too-human foibles, I ask, "Have you truly listened to her message of decency and compassion, and of the need and DUTY to care for those who are far too often 'out of sight and out of mind? Have you forgotten her FIERCE moral courage as a Senator, confronting the evils of racism and economic bigotry?"
To those who scoff at Governor Dean, and call him "a hothead", or "the governor a small, insignificant state", I ask, "Is there no place for righteous indignation in our party? Why should we NOT be angry at the theft of our right to self-governance, and at those who committed the theft? Have you forgotten the election of 2000 so quickly? Are not the States, including the very one he governed for 11 years, the 'laboratories of democracy' and often times better suited for developing new and innovative approaches to old problems which beset this Republic even to the present day?".
Any omission of any candidate by name is not meant to be disrespectful, but is done solely in the interest of verbal economy. That said, can we not return the tone of our debates in this forum to one of CIVILTY? Can we now advance our preferred candidate by confining ourselves to positive statements about them, or by raising LEGITIMATE issue and policy differences WITHOUT the needlessly inflammatory or perjorative verbiage and rhetoric? Aren't we mature enough to do that, at a minimum, or must we imitate the Repugnicrat freepers, and continue this pointless and ultimately destructive and divise pattern of decidely UN-civil discourse and 'flame wars', and ensure the re-election of those crypto-fascists who have already fired the opening shots in the war to extinguish our rights as sovereign, self-governing citizens of this Republic?
Thank you. :)