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Pres Clinton said he would do something Kerry does

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 09:31 PM
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Pres Clinton said he would do something Kerry does
i'm watching dole and clinton on cspan. and president clinton said if he was a candidate right now he would be talking about energy issues. alternative energy and new technology in energy and related job creation. this is something kerry almost ALWAYS talks about, and is a major part of his agenda.he also has a near perfect record on the environment to back it up. it's very interesting bill clinton would bring that up of all things. i think he is paying very close attention to the primary campaigns.
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Dookus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 09:39 PM
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1. I thought
Edited on Thu Jan-01-04 09:40 PM by Dookus
I read in another thread that this speech was from a few months ago.

But Clinton's been discussing such things for a long time. He discussed these very issues last year on Letterman's show.

on edit: And I can guarantee you he's paying close attention to the primaries :)
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 09:42 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. yes, but kerry's been on it the whole time
even when he wasn't running, it has been a big part of his agenda.
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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 09:44 PM
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3. We need higher fuel economy standards for cars and trucks
That is going to be a tough sell on the public, considering that the automakers have huge marketing and lobbying budgets. That would be a tough election issue to use also. People are still oblivious to the relationship between oil consumption, war, and looming economic peril.
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Tadah Donating Member (58 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 10:22 PM
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4. everyone I know talks about this
All the Democrats, in the Congress and Senate, have perfect environmental records compared to the Republicans.

Dennis Kucinich, Howard, and Kerry (and probably all the others) talk about it.

I haven't seen Dennis' position on Ethanol, but Dean and Kerry push Ethanol and most agree (except those who profit) that Ethanol isn't environmentally friendly since growing corn sucks water out of the ground and uses fossil fuels when planting and harvesting.

If the insurance companies won't let us have single-payer, then I'm sure the oil companies will make it hard for us to get off oil.

Right now, there is a lot of talk and little walk, even by Kerry.
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Tadah Donating Member (58 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. imperialism

it is also said that imperialism takes oil. I wonder how fast our fleet of boats and airplanes could be converted.

additionally, others have said that in order to maintain control of the world economy, the US has to maintain control over the oil used by other countries-- even if we don't use it ourselves.

can you imagine shipping your manufacturing over seas and then having your energy costs go up?

as Bill Clinton noted: "it is the economy stupid."

I've heard that Dennis Kucinich would have the Department of Peace act like the "Peace Corps on steroids" by having them implement alternative energy projects around the world to promote peace and I am guessing prosperity for the corporations.
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mouse7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 10:37 PM
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6. Dean has some great policy statements on wind and infrastructure
However, I think we all know anyone talking energy topics primarily right now would be getting their asses handed to them right now.

And gee, that's exactly what's happening to Kerry. Whod'da thunk it?

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