DES MOINES -- "We read today's story in the Boston Herald in which Senator Kerry's communications director questioned whether 146,697 supporters actually donated $15,386,183.25 to the Dean for America campaign.
"Frankly we can't figure out what is more confusing -- questioning the veracity of Governor Dean's record-shattering fundraising quarter or announcing with glee that your candidate raised only 20% of that, forcing him to dip deeply into his own pocket to fund his campaign.
"But, seriously -- is the Kerry campaign accusing Dean For America and its grassroots network of supporters of cooking the books when it suggests that only their fundraising total 'is real?'
"A Kerry fundraiser summed it up best in yesterday's Boston Globe: 'I'm dying out there,' said this Kerry fund-raiser, a veteran Democratic moneyman who spoke on the condition of anonymity. 'There was so much excitement about John Kerry early on, and now there's none.'"