Obama Hits the Mark in Race SpeechWe won't know for awhile how voters view Barack Obama's speech today on race relations but The Brody File saw it as a
HUGE positive for Obama and a
successful turning point for the future of his campaign. The Obama campaign tells me he told high level staffers on Saturday that he wanted to do this speech. He ended up writing it himself on Sunday and Monday and then finished it up this morning.
With all those American flags behind him, the background was very "State of the Union." It was very presidential and Obama looked like and sounded like a President in the speech.
There were a number of factors that made the speech work. First of all, he didn't just devote a couple paragraphs to Pastor Wright. He wove him throughout the entire speech. It came across as a masterful stroke because he didn't minimize the controversy and yet at the same time was able to explain how Wright's comments fit into the larger "anger" issue within the black community.
The speech was so sweeping as he talked so much about what divides this country. He was able to shine a light on the racism that existed and still exists in America, but he was able to do it in a way that didn't seem condemning. By confronting the anxieties in both the white and black communities, he was able to get in the weeds a little bit and tell it like it is. Anytime a politician is being "candid" with their audience, it's a good day. Obama had a good day.
http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/341390.aspx Maybe his fax jammed and he didn't get the RW talking points?