Edited on Fri Mar-21-08 06:19 PM by cali
Yes, you. You, who are saying all is lost and Obama (or Clinton) will certainly lose in November. You, the voice of doom and gloom with your dime store crystal balls and your precious polls.
Get a grip. Get a fucking clue. In eight months a lot can happen. A lot will happen. That's not crystal ball speak, that's a fact. For instance, if the economy keeps tanking, McCain will have a very tough time. His "economic plan" is just pitiful. And the electorate trusts dems over repubs by a wide margin even when the economy is doing well. When it's doing poorly that margin grows with every bit of bad news.
Iraq could well be in worse shape. Some analysts think that's where it's headed, including Peter Galbraith who just returned and who I heard in an extended interview.
The dem candidate will have much more money than McCain who is still struggling like mad to raise money.
Yes, the extended primary is taking its toll on our candidates and on the patience of the electorate, but it will end, and odds are that it won't go until the convention.
To say that we've lost in March when the election isn't until November is simply moronic. It may be a tough fight but we haven't lost anything yet. As my dear departed MiL used to say so frequently to any of her five sons: Timmy (insert appropriate name here) you're such a jackass. phaw.
Edited to change title.