like there's some heat between the Kerry and Clark camps, as reported in the above article.
Clark's communications director, Matt Bennett, orchestrat
the courier delivery of chicken wings from the Hawk and Dove to the Kerry campaign's Capitol Hill headquarters -- a headline-grabbing stunt devised to highlight Kerry's "ever-changing" position on the war. (Note: Everything that follows actually took place).
"We know John Kerry likes fowl. But we were confused if it was hawk or dove. So we decided to send wings," a feistier Bennett quipped Tuesday.
(So Kerry's camp hit back with the following: )
In a memo featuring a Clark photo that can only be described as disturbing, Kerry aides briefly explained the "rules and formulas for beating Republicans and winning the White House." Actually, what follows sounds less like "rules and formulas," and more like a verbal wet willie. (Remember. The theme is "zero").
• "Help, Mary" -- The number of times Mary Jacoby can bail you out of both of your positions on the war: 0
• The number of Democrats who have skipped the Iowa Caucus and won the Democratic presidential nomination: 0
• The number of Republicans who have skipped the Iowa Caucus and won the Democratic presidential nomination: See above.
• The number of full of years Wesley Clark has been in the Democratic Party: 0 (still 0 if you round up).
• Number of times Chris Lehane has been allowed on the big rides at Disney World: 0
• Number of left wings that arrived yesterday in your chicken order: 0
• Number of winning presidential candidates Madonna has endorsed: 0
• Number of chicken wings left uneaten in the Kerry office: 0
• Move over Clark bars. We hope you enjoy these ZERO bars.
• As you may also know, Democrats have a long and distinguished tradition of feeding the hungry during the holiday season. On behalf of the Democratic Party, please accept these Zero bars as a sign of our hospitality. They seemed fitting given our general principles outlined above.
(Ouch! Kerry's a chicken? Clark rates a Zero? The rivalry seems pointed, but tame enough for now. Wait until after the NH vote, though. If Whomever runs third place there hardens up the rhetoric, we could go from tame to tempest pretty quickly...)