Edited on Tue Mar-25-08 04:07 PM by Thepricebreaker
If your for Hillary or Obama - you should agree the Super delegates can end this whole problem we have right now.
If the majority of those still sitting on the fence (300+) took a risk and joined either side, the other super delegates would peel off from the other candidate and pretty much end this process.
No matter what happens 1/2 of our party will be pissed off by who won the nomination. If it happens now, at least we will have many months for a cool down period. If we have a brokered convention - We will lose the election - without question.
Hillary or Obama will not back out unless someone actually has the 2025 needed. Im sure we all know this already..
Do you really want this to go on through the summer? Do you think a democrat would have a chance in hell if Hillary and Obama are still fighting out to get a better foot hold for a brokered convention?
It would be chaos..
Dem 527's would start up - dem vs dem..
Repug 527's would get into the mix and play us against one another..
Florida and Michigan will protest the convention..
Racist and Sexism comments would be flying in ways that would make what we see right now, seem like childs play..
It would be a media feeding frenzy..
Our Candidate will be so bloody and beaten that American wouldn't vote for them. So much dirty laundry will be aired, while McCain just keeps looking better and better - saving his money. The money he SHOULD be using now he will be able to save until the end of August.
McCain will glide into a win.... Simply because if we can't get our own house in order - how can we run the country? You can already see that ad from the McCain camp..