<>Almost half of voters, 45 percent, in a poll conducted for The Associated Press in mid-December by Ipsos-Public Affairs said they definitely would vote for President Bush, while not quite a third, 31 percent, said they definitely would vote against him. About a fifth, 21 percent, said they would consider voting for someone else.
<>In the most recent poll, the swing voters were more likely to be younger adults (between) ages 18 and 39, those without college educations and political independents.
<>In the coming year, the voters, especially swing voters, are certain to be influenced by the two big issues of the last year - how the economy is going and how the situation in Iraq is going.
<>Bush had more than a 3-to-1 advantage over Democratic front-runner Howard Dean on whom the public trusts more to handle national security, according to a recent ABC-Washington Post poll. "As long as the president has a stature gap on fighting terrorism," Kohut said, "he has a trump card."
That only two-thirds of the Democrats definitely intend to vote against Bush is something we need to think about when are voting in the primaries.
There is indeed an election looming after the primaries, and we must do everything in our power to nominate a candidate who can not only win in November, but will have coattails to help us take back Congress.