This is an article about Wes taking a 2 hour family fun cruise in Portsmouth. His approach has been "understated" and oh so down to earth. This is a good look at the "REAL DEAL." :) Enjoy!
I hope this isn't a dupe. If it is...nevermind. ;),1891,TRN_5703_2547824,00.html<snip>
As Clark wove his way through the crowds along Portsmouth's brick streets and around the First Night ice sculptures Wednesday evening, voters constantly reached out to him to introduce their children and offer words of encouragement. To the dismay of his aides, he rarely saw a voter wave through a cafe window without darting inside to introduce himself.
On the street, one young man in a backwards baseball cap sprinted toward him. "General, I've got to shake your hand," he said breathlessly before racing back to his friends. "You're a good man."<snip>
"I prefer not to attack other Democrats. This is not about them," Clark said, quickly going on to describe Bush as "heartless" in his handling of the needs of the unemployed and "negligent" in his duties as commander in chief before 9/11.
"OK, we captured Saddam Hussein. Fine," Clark said. "But it's $180 billion, it's 470 American lives, it's 2,500 kids with injuries that will change their lives. ... And sure the Dow went up 28 points. But most people in America are not benefiting from that. It's a statistical illusion."<snip>