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This article shows how unsafe we are under George W. Bush

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genius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 02:58 PM
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This article shows how unsafe we are under George W. Bush
Edited on Fri Jun-04-04 03:12 PM by genius
Natasha really socks it to Bush and the war-mongers in her latest article in In the last paragraph, she also encourages Kerry to support Hugo Chavez. BTW, if you look at the other articles in Debateusa, you'll notice that the liberal writers seem to be in a minority there (though I think the guy who runs it is a Democrat.) Maybe her work will help encourage some of the more conservative readers of that site to switch.

Which Government Will Be Next?
By Natasha, age 12

On September 11, 2001, America had an awful catastrophe. We knew immediately just who was to blame. Our President claimed to have no idea it was going to happen just the day before. (Interestingly, before the attacks, then-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown was warned not to fly, employees of certain businesses in the World Trade Center were told not to report to work on 9-11, an investment firm with CIA connections sold “put” options on American and United Airlines, and, through foresightedness, records were moved out of the section of the Pentagon that was later hit on 9-11.) The authority to scramble the jets had been vested solely with Donald Rumsfeld less than four months prior to 9-11 but warnings of impending terrorist attacks from leaders of 12 countries and planes going off course for long periods of time was apparently not sufficient reason for Rumsfeld to act to stop the impending tragedy. After all, he and George W. Bush had no idea what was about to happen until after it happened

Yet immediately after the tragedy, it was known that the villain was Osama Bin Laden (whom we still haven't caught). Not only did we know the identity of the man, whose existence had been of minimal interest in terms of national security to Bush the day before, but where he was from, his whole background and that suddenly he was dangerous. We also knew the identities of 19 of the hijackers, something we supposedly did not know when they boarded the plane earlier that morning. (Let’s forget about the fact that at least seven of the “hijackers” whom our government claimed perished on those planes have been photographed alive since 9-11.) Our government also knew that Osama was in Afghanistan. Apparently he had not been a stranger to the CIA. On July 11, 2001, CIA agent Larry Mitchell visited bin Laden in an American hospital in France. Though the Bush administration had allowed bin Laden to leave the American hospital and return to Afghanistan, it did not keep track of a terrorist attack numerous individuals had told the Bush administration bin Laden was planning.

Suddenly, on 9-11, it became a priority to actually stop bin Laden. To the Bush administration, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole suddenly had become more than just a handshake. It was a prelude to a major event in this country. Bin Laden had become enemy number 1. So of course, right after the 9-11 attacks, Bush had to arrange to have the bin Laden family flown out of the country by private plane. What else would any leader do with potential witnesses and perpetrators of the worst terrorist attack in American history? Of course, ordinary Americans (whose names were not bin Laden) were grounded to make the airways safer.

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CO Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 03:03 PM
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1. This Article Also Shows... well-informed and intelligent one 12-year-old girl is.
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