PRESS RELEASE: JREGrassroots.org calls for a Kerry-Edwards ticket
For immediate release: 06/02/2004
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." -U.S. Declaration of Independence
In this time, we are faced with a president who does not listen to "the governed," the People of America. Americans are down-trodden, starving for hope and for inspiration.
"We choose to be inspired!" JRE Grassroots is an online community that promotes John Edwards' optimistic vision for America. We have responded to Edwards' call to "step up, not step back."
The members of JREGrassroots.org are supporting John Edwards as he campaigns around the country for John Kerry and other Democrats. "We believe in an America where all things are possible. We want to change America, and we will!"
Edwards' message, that "together we can build one America that works for all of us," is one of hope, optimism, and civic responsibility. It's a message that has struck a chord in the hearts of Americans everywhere.
We believe that Edwards' powerful message continues to resonate. Edwards has received standing ovations at all recent appearances where he campaigned for Kerry. And recently, a Mason-Dixon poll shows that a Kerry/Edwards ticket puts North Carolina into play for November, a first since 1976.
In poll after poll across the country, Americans have asked John Kerry to select John Edwards as his running mate. We ask John Kerry to respond to the people, because now more than ever before in our history, we need leaders who will listen and respond with positive solutions and action.
We trust John Kerry and encourage him to select John Edwards as his running mate. A Kerry/Edwards ticket is unbeatable and will inspire and unite America!
-Members of JREGrassroots