<Heinz, 31, took a leave of absence from a New York private equity firm to campaign full time for Kerry. He and Kerry's daughter, Vanessa, hit the trail for the primaries, stumping at ''probably every major campus'' in Iowa and New Hampshire.
The two provide a draw for younger crowds and soften Kerry's often aloof image. Heinz said Kerry effortlessly blended the two families and the two share a passion for foosball -- a table soccer game. They once both independently arrived at the perfect gift for the family: a new foosball table.
''I think the unwritten story was that we both had the same goal -- playing foosball against each other -- under the guise of buying everyone in the family a present,'' Heinz said.
Though his father, the late Pennsylvania Sen. John Heinz, was a Republican, Heinz said he clicked with Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat, from almost the moment he began dating his mother.
''Certainly John and my father ideologically were closer than my father and
George Bush,'' Heinz said.
''John has earned first my friendship and my respect, and then my love,'' Heinz said.>