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Democrats gather in S. Fla. to build momentum for Kerry campaign

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chimpymustgo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:06 AM
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Democrats gather in S. Fla. to build momentum for Kerry campaign

Associated Press

MIAMI - Every other week, Janee Murphy gathers up her troops and walks the precincts throughout her home of Hillsborough County, determined to persuade one more voter to the Democratic side.

Murphy, the 33-year-old chairwoman of her county's party organization, said she tells every volunteer to have "two pairs of tennis shoes and a fire in the belly." Her ranks have grown from five volunteers to about 50, but with an election five months away, she's taking nothing for granted.

"The only way we're going to win this is to reach out and knock on every single door," she said.

Party activists from throughout the state are set to huddle June 11-13 in Hollywood to discuss ways to build momentum for the fall elections at the annual Jefferson-Jackson gala. The event, featuring North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, represents one of the largest party meetings before the fall elections.

Scott Maddox, the state party's chairman, said the weekend serves as a kickoff for Democrats looking to help presidential candidate John Kerry carry Florida, where polls show another tight contest. President Bush defeated Al Gore by 537 votes in 2000 after recounts in some counties were stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court after 36 days.

"We want to get our people fired up and raise some money to bring to bear for the election this fall," said Maddox. The three-day event, expected to exceed a previous record of $400,000, will feature training sessions, door-knocking in Miami neighborhoods, rallies and a gala event headlined by Edwards, who challenged Kerry for the nomination.



Gearing up the grassroots early. Florida, here we come!
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 11:09 AM
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1. this is one of the events Kerry asked Edwards to attend
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salonghorn70 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 04:59 PM
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2. Voter Education
Door to door is good. I'm wondering what Fla Democrats will do in regards to voter education. It seems that in 2000 there were many Democratic voters who simply did not understand how to go to the polls and cast a vote for Gore once they got there. This is probably true for lots of other areas. I guess with the closeness in Florida, it was just magnified.
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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 05:28 PM
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3. When you go door to door, it seems to me that 1 out of every 50 people
you talk to will say, "I will vote for your guy because you took the time to come talk to me. If you'd do that for your candidate, your candidate must be good."

More than 1 in 50 will think that.

Going door to door is one of the best ways to get out the vote, but it's one of the most time consuming.

If you want to help your candidates, go door to door for them.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 06:44 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Kerry went door to door himself in iowa and new hampshire
is this florida event still on ? or have they changed anything because reagan's funeral ?
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