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American born Cubans back Kerry Big time.. Cuban born Cubans back Bush

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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 07:42 AM
Original message
American born Cubans back Kerry Big time.. Cuban born Cubans back Bush
Edited on Tue Jun-08-04 07:43 AM by trumad
Democrat John Kerry enjoys a commanding lead over President Bush among Cuban Americans born in the United States and a decided edge among Cubans who arrived in the country after 1980, according to a new poll of Miami-Dade Hispanics that reveals deep divisions within a community traditionally viewed as staunchly Republican.|b|Y
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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 08:01 AM
Response to Original message
1. A nest of vipers in our midst....
Still angry about Castro's victory of fifty years ago and dreaming that they'll go back and reestablish the good ol' days of Baptista.
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Actually, that's not their dream.
My s/o is a Maimi-born Cuban-American, and no one in his family dreams of 'reestablish(ing) the good ol' days of Baptista', nor do any of the numerous other Cuban-Americans I know. What they dream of is a free, democratic and independent Cuba that will be a close and treasured neighbor of the US.

Are they ardent anti-Communists? Of course they are, as are most people from whatever part of the globe where communism has placed it's foot on the neck of the people it (mis-)governs.
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el_gato Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 08:52 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. well I dream of a free democratic United States
but we don't have that either
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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 09:46 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Actually many who oppose Castro also opposed Battista
But they did not like the direction that Castro took after Battista was overthrown.
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auburnblu Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 04:05 AM
Response to Reply #1
11. Yeah imagine them wanting free elections
How horrible of the Cubans to hold a grudge against Castro. There must be something wrong with the country for people to turn a 1952 truck into a boat. I know, I know Cuba is paradise and as soon as Communism is all over the world that immediately the elite will make all the decisions. I know that will be great, but in the mean time, cut the Cuban people a little slack.
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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-10-04 08:03 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. Then why do they go back to Cuba for vacations?
Edited on Thu Jun-10-04 08:07 AM by Mika
Its funny that so many of those who have "escaped" Cuba go back for a vacation after they get to the USA. FYI, the Cuban-American community is pissed at Bush for restricting their trips and vacations back to Cuba. As it has been for decades, unlike Americans of non Cuban descent, Cuban-American and Cuban "exiles" can hop on one of the many daily direct flights between Miami and Havana.

If they're escaping Cuba why do they go back?

The USA offers over 20,000 LEGAL immigration visas per year to Cubans (and Bush just announced that the number would increase despite the fact that not all 20,000 were applied for in the last few years). This number is more than any other single country in the world. Its the US interests section in Cuba that does the criminal background check on the applicants.

The US's 'wet foot/ dry foot' policy (that applies to Cubans only) permits Cuban criminals and felons who arrive on US shores by illegal means to remain in the US despite having failed to qualify for a legal US immigration application.

Cubans who leave for the US without a US visa are returned to Cuba (if caught at sea - mainly in smuggler's go-fast boats @ $5,000 per head) by US repatriation law. But IF they make it to US soil, no matter who they are or what their criminal backround might be, they get to stay in the US and enjoy perks offered ONLY TO CUBAN IMMIGRANTS (via the US's Cuban Adjustment Act and a variety of other 'Cubans only' perks). Perks like instant work visa, instant green card, instant access to sec 8 taxpayer assisted housing, instant social security, instant welfare, free health care, and more.

These perks are not offered to any other immigrant group, but yet, without the perks offered to Cubans, immigrants still pour into the US from all over the Caribbean and the Latin Americas - many taking greater risks than Cubans to get here.

Get it? There is no such thing as a Cuban illegal immigrant. Plus, they get perks that no other group is offered.

The majority of Cuban Americans DO NOT support the travel ban.

Just because the propaganda for profit networks in the US have Americans believing that the entire Cuban-American community is represented by the very vocal extremist minority doesn't mean that its true.

Most of the Miamicuban community feels that the extremism and support for the embargo and sanctions is hindering the average Cuban in Cuba. They know this because, as pointed out earlier, they can go to Cuba.

Understand that most of the Cuban immigrants that have come to the US have come here for the same reasons that immigrants from all over the Caribbean and Latin Americas come to the US.. jobs. Jobs that help them earn enough money to send some back to their family in their homeland. The majority of Cuban immigrants don't have an all consuming hatred of Fidel Castro, and the USA offers Cubans many avenues and a wealth of exclusive perks for immigrating here.. plus they can travel back to their homeland and take or send money.. just like almost all other immigrants do.

The reasoning for maintaining the extremist positions against Castro is for political gain, at the expense of the ignorant taxpayers who are brainwashed into thinking that Cubans are "fleeing" Castro, instead of understanding the actual Cuban-American community's immigration experience.

Consider this.. If there were to be no Castro, then there would be no VERY profitable taxpayer funded anti Castro foundations and programs. If there were to be no Castro, who the F would Ileana Ros and the Diaz Balart brothers run against? They need Castro. Everything these so called "anti Castro" factions do, from taunts to threats of war to sanctions to embargoes, only unites the Cuban people behind their fearless and successful leader. This is what the "anti Castro" politicians and "free Cuba" foundations need - in order to continue to profiteer on the backs of the US taxpayers.

These hard core anti Castro factions (mainly the ex Cuban Batista oligarchy and their offspring) have a LONG history of violence and intimidation against anyone who dares not toe the virulent anti Castro line. This violence and intimidation against anyone who dares not toe the virulent anti Castro line includes murder and assassinations, fire bombings and car bombings.

The violence and intimidation has done a good job at muting the more rational and reasoned voices in the Cuban-American community in Miami, but, there are a few very brave people and a few small pro-normalization groups in Miami daring enough to speak for the majority & take on the intransigent and violent anti Castro profiteers. They get little, if any, media attention in the USA.

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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 08:14 AM
Response to Original message
2. WTF is an American born Cuban? An American!
Trumad, you better upgrade that link - it contains your email addy.

Here's one that works, (need free registration)

And a graph,

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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-04 02:42 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. LOL
Thanks... I've kind of given up on fearing that anyone knows who I am... Give me liberty or give me death... ;-)
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fujiyama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 05:54 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. I think a fresh
policy regarding Cuba might appeal to many of those that have arrived more recently and those that were born here.

I heard that many want to be able to travel to Cuba to visit relatives and send them money.
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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 08:02 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Cuban-Americans and Americans of Cuban descent can go to Cuba
Well over 100,000 Cuban-Americans and Americans of Cuban descent travel to Cuba every year. Most hop on direct flights between Miami and Havana. Americans of non Cuban descent must get Justice Dept approval (and the Bush admin has been refusing most travel applications).

What is pissing off the Cuban-American community is that on June 30th Bush's new Cuba policy will limit Cuban-Americans and Americans of Cuban descent to one trip every 3 years, and will severely limit their monetary remittances to their families in Cuba.

All of these limits on Cuban-Americans and ALL other Americans is an abrogation of our right to travel unfettered by our government.

Mr Kerry, Tear down the wall!

Kerry's stated policy on Cuba:
  • Cuba will remain under US sanctions
  • We will still be travel banned unless our travel is deemed politically worthy by US gov jackboots
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    chikin Donating Member (13 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 08:20 AM
    Response to Reply #8
    9. Here's what I'd like to see
    I understand that many Cuban-Americans fly to Cuba via Canada only to have the Cuban passport visa stamp discovered in their passport as they attempt to re-enter the US. I'd love to see the Cuban government issue some kind of visa 'card' as opposed to a stamp, something that would have the same effect but leave no visible trace. That would be a big 'fuck you' to the US government.

    The entire policy towards Cuba is ridiculous. Stop the trade and travel embargo--it's obviously not working and it never has. This whole petty pissing match with Cuba is an embarrassment to the United States, one that merits raucous laughter in other parts of the world. Hey, America--it's a lost cause. Get over it.

    China seems to have many of the same problems that the US uses to demoize Castro and his government, so where's the trade embargo and strongarm policies towar... Ohhhhhhhhh, that's right. There's a billion consumers to buy US goods! We must try to promote change through trade! Of course! It all makes sense now.
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    Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 03:38 PM
    Response to Reply #9
    10. You don't understand, Cuban-Americans aren't travel banned
    Well over 100,000 Cuban-Americans and Americans of Cuban descent travel to Cuba every year without restriction. Most hop on direct flights between Miami and Havana. There is no problem with any visa stamp.

    Americans of non Cuban descent must get Justice Dept approval (and the Bush admin has been refusing most travel applications). They will have a problem with a Cuban passport stamp, but Cuban immigration will give you a stamped form to put in one's passport instead of stamping one's passport IF you are going against US law.

    What is pissing off the Cuban-American community is that on June 30th Bush's new Cuba policy will limit Cuban-Americans and Americans of Cuban descent to one trip every 3 years, and will severely limit their monetary remittances to their families in Cuba.

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