Anyone know who these people are? (No answer to my email inquiry yet.) Got the following in my in-box--
From: AmericansforaFreesociety Subject: Kerry convention delegates in rebellion.
To: The Kerry Campaign Headquarters From: Americans for a Free Society. Subject: Kerry loss of delegates.
We have received reports from three states that both committed and non-committed delegates to the Convention in Boston will not cast their votes for John Kerry. The reasons reported are:
1. John Kerry's plans to increase the military budget, 2. The possibility of John Kerry reinstating the military draft, 3. John Kerry's pledge that he would give business a greater tax cut, 4. John Kerry's plans to retain and possibly strengthen the PATRIOT ACT, 5. John Kerry's plans for Iraq and the Middle East. 6. The probability of choosing Richard Gephardt, the man who "sold out" on his party pursuant to the "War Powers Act" to George W. Bush in the White House's rose garden.
These "rebelling" Kerry delegates, and super delegates, justify their position as follows: " Had Democrat voters known Kerry's plans as stated, before they voted in their individual state's primaries, a great majority of their votes would have been cast for another candidate." Now that Kerry is showing his true colors, these numerous delegates believe they have neither moral or legal obligations to remain committed to Kerry in convention.
Too many changes in campaign promises from a candidate who has not yet been officially confirmed in Convention!
This trend, should it continue, will force a "brokered convention." Perhaps that is as it should be after hearing the truth of the matter pursuant to the Kerry campaign.
The auguries are not good for an official Kerry candidacy.