From ABC's "The Note":
In our write-up of the Los Angeles Times poll yesterday (LINK), we included some comments from Bush-Cheney '04 campaign strategist Matthew Dowd, who took issue with the party breakdown of the polling sample.
The survey showed a national two-way head-to-head matchup between Sen. Kerry and President Bush at 51 percent to 44 percent, respectively. With Ralph Nader in the mix, the numbers broke down thusly: 48 percent for Sen. Kerry, 42 percent for President Bush, and 4 percent for Nader. In addition, nearly three-fifths said they think the country is on the wrong track. LINK
Late yesterday, Los Angeles Times polling director Susan Pinkus sent us this response to Mr. Dowd:
"After reading Matthew Dowd's assessment of the Los Angeles Times Poll in ABC News' The Note, I feel that I have to respond to his assertion that the poll is a 'mess.' His negative spin of this poll is, quite truthfully, not unexpected. The Times makes every effort to use sound methodological techniques that are used by most reputable research and polling organizations. The questionnaire and methodology is available for anyone to see and conforms to the guidelines set forth by the National Council on Public Polls and the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Although Dowd does not like the results of the Times poll, I stand behind the poll's results and the sound statistical methods used.
"If Dowd doesn't like the Times results, did he have a problem with the latest Gallup and CBS/New York Times polls? The horserace numbers are similar to the results of these two latest polls. Gallup had Kerry ahead by 5 points in the two-way race and CBS had Kerry up by 8 points."
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