Florida Offers Guidance Felon Voters
Thu Jun 10, 5:25 AM ET
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=694&ncid=2043&e=15&u=/ap/20040610/ap_on_el_pr/brf_voter_rolls_felonsKEY WEST, Fla. - State officials told county elections supervisors a call center and Web site are being established to help them verify a list of 47,000 potential felons who could be purged from voter rolls.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has set up a toll-free number elections supervisors can call with questions on a particular voter.
The agency also plans a Web site that would let supervisors and voters fill out an appeal form online, said Jeff Long, chief of the department's records bureau.
Florida is one of seven states that does not let convicted felons vote unless their voting rights have been restored.