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Ralph Nader Meets with Leaders of

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AmyStrange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 10:37 PM
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Ralph Nader Meets with Leaders of

Ralph Nader Meets with Leaders of ''; Group Hopes to Continue Dialogue in Effort to Achieve Unity

Fri Jun 11, 2:23 PM ET
To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Tricia Enright of, 202-230-2376

WASHINGTON, June 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In response to a letter requesting a meeting with the Independent candidate for President, leaders of, Tricia Enright, John Hlinko and Chris Kofinis sat down with Ralph Nader (news - web sites) yesterday for nearly two hours. has been running TV ads featuring former Nader supporters urging unity against the right wing, and hopes to make the meeting with Nader himself a first step on the path to working together.

Tricia Enright, president of, called the meeting a "positive, productive first step" and "a wide ranging discussion on a variety of issues."

"We were obviously impressed with Mr. Nader's commitment to things he cares about," said Enright. "We believe he was also impressed with our commitment to continuing our efforts to build a united front of Democrats, progressives and Nader supporters ready to take on the right wing," she added. "It's a first step and we look forward to continuing the dialogue."

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Old and In the Way Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 10:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. They sound rather conflicted.
"We believe he was also impressed with our commitment to continuing our efforts to build a united front of Democrats, progressives and Nader supporters ready to take on the right wing,"

If they want to really join in on a united front, they should be coalescing behind Kerry.....else their rhetoric is just so much hot air.

Just what are the issues that differentiate Nader from Kerry?....I still haven't seen a clear list of issues that separate Nader from Kerry.
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Mike L Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 11:24 PM
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2. website is a group of former Dean and Clark supporters who are trying to bring Nader supporters into the Democratic fold. It has two commercials out featuring year 2000 Nader supporters saying they made a mistake in voting for Nader. Click this link and you will hear one commercial:

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AmyStrange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 12:24 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Welcome to the DU...

some great people here, and don't forget to check out the world's best "unofficial" DU Slang Dictionary:


Pull off your boots and stay awhile,


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checks-n-balances Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 01:02 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. In that case, good for them! I hope they can help him get over his
need for sabotage and destruction. It will take a lot of work to get a positive outcome from this.
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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 12:08 AM
Response to Original message
3. It is conflicting.
While my hubby and I would not vote Nader, we do appreciate him. We listen to him every chance we get. Tricia Enright was one of Dean's campaign managers, and I think he is not really happy about this....I think he told someone it was unfortunate.

However, he is trying to get the Nader voters to vote Democratic this time, but it is not an easy thing.

This is just a hard time for so many people. If you listen to Nader with an open mind, he is tremendous. But....he can not win. The best we can hope for is that through all these efforts a lot of those who support him will vote for a Democrat.

"Since the time of Thomas Paine and John Adams, our founders implored that we were not to be the new Rome. We are not to conquer and suppress other nations to submit to our will. We were to inspire them."
Howard Dean, 2003
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AmyStrange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-12-04 01:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. Kerry is crafty enough to...
Edited on Sat Jun-12-04 01:19 AM by AmyStrange

make a deal with Nader to concede a couple things to him just days before the election, and Nader in return telling all his supporters to vote for kerry in appreciation.

I don't know if it's feasible, but could certainly make things interesting those last few days before the election. And you know MadF that Dean would be in the middle of it somewhere,


(EDITED: is to would be)
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