The real democrat in the race
By Jeff Jacoby | June 3, 2004
FROM: WHICH presidential candidate will James Baker, Brent Scowcroft, and Lawrence Eagleburger -- the foreign policy barons of the first Bush administration -- vote in November: For the one who shares their Kissingerian approach to foreign affairs, in which order and stability are more important goals than democracy and human rights? Or for George W. Bush?
It is an irony of the 2004 presidential campaign that the candidate who most nearly resembles Harry Truman and JFK in believing that Americans should "pay any price, bear any burden" to promote liberty and democracy in the world is the Republican incumbent, President Bush.
The Democratic standard-bearer John Kerry, by contrast, articulates a foreign policy that uncannily resembles that of George Bush the Elder. Like Bush I, Kerry has little patience for the idealistic "vision thing." He downplays the idea that the United States should be in the business of advancing freedom around the globe. Considerably more important, he suggests, is keeping the lid on trouble spots.
In a recent interview, The Washington Post reports, Kerry made it clear that "as president he would play down the promotion of democracy as a leading goal in dealing with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China, and Russia. . . . He said securing all nuclear materials in Russia, integrating China in the world economy, achieving greater controls over Pakistan's nuclear weapons, or winning greater cooperation on terrorist financing in Saudi Arabia trumped human rights concerns in those nations."